We GotchA! covered with the Top 10 ways to safeguard your home or commercial property to get rid of bed bugs!

  1. Wash all bedding regularly in hot water. The water should be at least 120 degrees.
  2. Vacuum floors regularly. Use your vacuum's brush tool to vacuum your mattress. Use the crevice tool to vacuum crevices in the mattress and along your baseboards.
  3. Use a mattress encasement for your mattress. Bed bugs can’t get in and they can’t get out. 
  4. If you purchase used furniture, thoroughly examine it for bed bugs. Pay special attention to used mattresses and bed frames.
  5. Check your own bed for bed bugs from time to time. Catching them early will make bed bug treatment easier when these pests are present.
  6. Check all electrical outlets, and heating and air conditioner vents to make sure they are sealed and secured.
  7. Bed bugs don’t tend to burrow under clothing, therefore, you may be able to avoid bed bug bites by wearing pajamas that cover as much skin as possible.
  8. Use a preventive product like Pronto Plus bed bug spray, which is very effective DIY method for preventing and getting rid of bed bug infestations.
  9. For secondhand items, carefully inspect used mattresses or upholstered furniture before bringing them into your home.
  10. Traveling? Check mattress seams in your lodgings for bed bug excrement, and always place your luggage on tables or dressers instead of on the floor. It’s not recommended to use hotel furniture for storage.

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Bed Bug Tips For Traveling

Are you traveling this season? Here is a checklist of questions to consider when planning your vacation:

  • Have you booked your flights?
  • Are you staying with family or in a hotel?
  • Have you checked off your whole shopping list?
  • Are you shopping online or in store?
  • Are you mailing gifts or carrying with you?
Get Rid of Bed Bug Tips | GotchA! Bed Bug Inspectors

Bed Bug Tips for Holiday Travel

As you consider these questions during your vacation planning, here are some additional tips to consider when traveling during the holidays to help keep your stockings filled with gifts and not bed bugs.

To start, with all that we have on our minds during the holiday travel season, we often forget that so many retailers and online websites are still dealing with bed bug infestations. On the one hand, you have a high turnover of shoppers entering big box retailers. On the other, there are massive online shopping warehouses where gifts are delivered straight to your front doors. Both options could potentially create bed bug infestations.

So how do we receive online and offline purchases, rent automobiles, and travel without infesting our homes or travel destinations with bed bugs this holiday season? Staying educated is the key to staying bed bug free. Below are a few points to  get rid of bed bugs and to keep in mind before you get started:

  • Prior to booking your hotel stay, check any bed bug hotel registries to see if your hotel has been infested at any point within that last couple of weeks.
  • Before leaving for your flight, make sure to spray your luggage inside and out. Always remember to follow the directions listed on the label.
  • When traveling by automobile, place all gifts within a garbage bag or lid-tight bin, and in the trunk, if possible. Also, inspect and spray your rental with a barrier treatment as seen here.
  • Once you arrive at your lodgings, conduct a thorough inspection of your hotel/motel room.
  • Pay attention to any red or black marks on sheets and fabrics as this is the number-one sign of bed bugs.
  • Keep all luggage and carry-on bags off the floors, beds, and out of closets. The safest spots to place them are on a table or desk. If you have a garment bag, place it over the door and keep it zipped when not needed.
  • After a full inspection spray all areas with a certified bed bug spray, including chairs, beds, molding, and other areas in the room.
  • For a safe, bed bug-free return home, place all clothes in plastic bags to move right into the washing machine once home.
  • Pick an area within your home where you can inspect all delivered packages. Discard boxes and travel wrapping in a garbage bag in this area.

While we recommend staying educated and informed about bed bugs, don’t subscribe to the “panic” that has got everyone itching for no reason. It’s very important to enjoy your life and the many things we look forward to during this holiday season. We leave you with safe travels, safe shopping, and most importantly, a happy and healthy bed bug-free holiday season! If you think you've picked up bed bugs during travels, your friends at Gotcha! Bed Bug Inspectors is here to help you when you need us most. Contact us today to request a free estimate!

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